DAMA Kansas City

DAMA Kansas City

Kansas City chapter of the Data Management Association (DAMA)


Event Information:

  • Tue

    ***Due to an unexpected and urgent personal concern of our scheduled speaker, our March meeting will unfortunately need to be postponed. We will reschedule this event at a date later in the year.**

    Speaker: Gwen Thomas - Data Governance Pioneer

    Gwen Thomas founded the Data Governance Institute twenty years ago. As the primary author of its DGI framework and guidance materials (published at DataGovernance.com), Gwen has influenced hundreds of data programs around the globe. She spent 20 years working in IT shops and providing data management and data governance consulting services, before spending 10 years as an in-house data strategist for the World Bank Group's private sector arm.

    Much of her time there focused on translating between executives, program leaders, data governance teams, lawyers, architects, modelers, policy writers, auditors, and data quality teams. While she is a technician, her special focus is on helping non-technical teams become stronger advocates for their own needs. Currently, she provides training and advises projects through the Data Governance Institutes’ consulting arm

    Topic:  How to Convince the Business You Solve Business Problems

    Business Leaders and teams have a common complaint: they aren’t confident that today’s Data Teams understand what they need and are ready/willing/able to deliver what they need. And there’s a lot at stake: Business needs the RIGHT data to drive value, insight, and innovation. Data Teams of course want to solve business problems, and they realize their employment may depend upon it. Both groups recognize the problem is not merely messaging or communicating needs, results, and impacts. Indeed, data and data environments are exceedingly complex, and they’re typically described using jargon and marketing language that is not understandable to business stakeholders who are trying to express their needs.

    In this highly interactive workshop, Gwen Thomas (the founder of the Data Governance Institute) flips the current paradigm. Instead of demonstrating the value of various data/tech disciplines (while using technical jargon), she introduces a completely nontechnical framework that defines and organizes data needs, along with criteria for recognizing what “RIGHT data” means. Using a real-life use case, she’ll step through a simple process that extracts and elaborates those business needs, then maps the plain language results to requirements that use descriptors/jargon that are familiar to data and IT teams. Participants will be provided with worksheets they can take to work, to start making a difference immediately.

    Meeting Time & Location:

    **Due to an unexpected and urgent personal concern of our scheduled speaker, our March meeting will unfortunately need to be postponed. We will reschedule this event at a date later in the year.**

    Membership & Participation:

    • You must RSVP to RSVP@KCDAMA.ORG by March 15th, 2024You must chose in person or virtual when you RSVP
    • Each individual who will participate virtually must register separately, the link to the meeting is yours only.
    • Current members can attend at no charge.  Guests are welcome to attend for a $40 fee and can submit payment here.
    • We have special rates for students and unemployed, please contact RSVP@kcdama.org for more details.
    • We also offer a scholarship to one deserving individual if you or someone you know would like to apply to attend for free, send an email to RSVP@kcdama.org with a short paragraph for application.


    NOTE:  Please contact Membership@kcdama.org or Treasurer@kcdama.org if you are unclear of the status of your membership.

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