Event Information:
Thu26Sep20191-5:00 PM (Registration & snacks 12:30 – 1:00)KU Edwards Campus, BEST Building Room #120, 12600 Quivira Road, Overland Park, KS 66213
September Meeting - "Real World DQ Using the Conformed Dimensions of DQ"
Speaker: Dan Myers, IQCP, MBA Principal, DQMatters.com
Dan Meyers is the founder/steward of the Conformed Dimensions of Data Quality, now used by nearly one third of companies surveyed in 2018. Dan speaks at many data management conferences worldwide on the topic of Data Quality and is the President of IQ International (IQInt.org). Dan’s ability to integrate real-world business application of complex DQ concepts helps attendees apply useful measures the day after his training. Dan also offers eLearning modules that enhance the learning in this course and prepare candidates for the prestigious Information Quality Certified Professional credential (from IQ International).
Presentation: Real World DQ Using the Conformed Dimensions of DQ
If you want to communicate the importance of Data Quality, then you
need to learn how to explain it in terms of real-world examples that
your mother understands. Attendees will learn measures of DQ that
impact business expense, revenues/growth and most importantly
customer experience. We leverage the Conformed Dimensions of Data
Quality in order to explain common data quality issues that impact
customers, and explain how your organization can measure and
improve customer service through improved data quality management.For more info, click here...
DAMA members who have a paid membership from April 2019 through March 2020 may attend at no charge. Guests are welcome to attend for a $35 fee and can submit payment here.
Please send your RSVP by September 6th to: rsvp@kcdama.org.NOTE: Please contact Membership@kcdama.org or Treasurer@kcdama.org if you are unclear of the status of your membership.
Special Offering the morning of...
CLASS - "Jumpstart your DQ Improvement with the Conformed Dimensions of DQ"
8- 12 Noon (Registration 7:30) KU Edwards Campus, BEST Building Room #120, 12600 Quivira Road, Overland Park, KS 66213
This course is offered at a greatly discounted price of $200
A half-day tutorial (~3hrs) with focused hands-on steps to communicate, measure and report data quality
- Audience: Data savvy individuals that have any experience querying, profiling, conducting root cause analysis,
and DQ rule/metric creation in the past - Focus: Concrete (more technical)
- Including four industry specific case studies with associated DQ metrics (from IQ Int)
- Hands-on exercises with DQ challenges, choosing the best techniques and interpreting the findings
- Illustrations of time savings using DQ tools
- Handouts: Technique to Dimensions Mapping, and CDDQ Example Metrics
- Conformed Dimensions Poster Included
Course Objective
- Quickly level set with participants regarding DQ vocabulary and value of using the Conformed Dimensions
- Explain available DQ detection, control, and improvement technics and associated dimensions of DQ
- Enable participants to build their own DQ rules and metrics faster and more consistently using reusable DQ building blocks
Course Format
- 30% Conversational Lecture- geared to quickly provide information and answer questions
- 20% Review of examples and practice communicating DQ issues
- 30% Hands-on Application and Discussion of Conformed Dimensions’ DQ Metrics
- 20% Review of Real-world Data Profiling Results and Remediation Options
Hands on Exercises
- Hands on exercises include real data models and best practice DQ metrics created by the IQ International sponsored DQ Metrics working groups.
- Case studies come from four industries Manufacturing, Healthcare, Banking and Telecommunications but are applicable to many more.
- Case Studies include data profiling results and examples of other DQ control techniques.
- Participants are provided access to data, examples and templates used during the session, and are encouraged to reuse them afterwards.
- Data Profiling results may be provided using various software tools to compare when/why to use a tool and desirable feature sets of widely used tools.
Free Swag
- All participants receive a free 24” x 36” “Conformed Dimensions of Data Quality Poster”
To Register for this morning course please use the following link: http://dqm.mx/dqjumpstart19-kc-reg
- Audience: Data savvy individuals that have any experience querying, profiling, conducting root cause analysis,